Christian Johannes Ganter Christian Ganter was born on 19. September 1971 in Basel (Switzerland) where he qualified in 1991 as a professional
cabinet maker. He worked in various fine furniture workshops
until 2000, and then studied at the international Violin Manufacturing School in Cremona, where, in 2003,
he graduated.
Christian Ganter aquired practical knowledge in the violin
making studio of Lorenzo Cassi, where the classical tradition of
Cremonan violin manufacture is practised.
Here he aquired the ability to reproduce the precise and elegant methods of the old traditional Cremonan violin makers,
firstly those of Antonio Stradivari and including Guiseppe Guarneri del Gesù and also Domenico Mantagnana of the Venetian school.
Christian Ganter now specialises in the handcrafting of
exceptionally high quality new violins, violas and celli, which
will appeal to all professional and amateur musicians.

Christian Johannes Ganter, Anfertigung von klassischen Streichinstrumenten, Stradivari, Reparaturen, Violinen, Cello, Kontrabass, Laute, Viola da Gamba, Bogen, Anfertigungen, Reparaturen, Instandstellungen, Expertisen, Liutaio, Christian, Johannes, Ganter, Basel, Riehen, Schweiz, Switzerland, Svizzera